Platform course settings definition

PATCH /reservation/api/1/platform/{platform-code}/course-settings

Setup platform's course settings definition.

Path parameters

  • platform-code string Required

    The unique code assigned to the reservation platform.

    Maximum length is 11. Format should match the following pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.


Body Required

  • If true, table statuses can be customized using a number format.

    Default value is false.

  • List of customizable table statuses that will be used to notify platforms about reservation progress with outbound API.

    Hide inServiceTableStatuses attributes Show inServiceTableStatuses attributes object
    • statusLabel string Required

      The unique text which will be displayed in the back-office for users.

    • statusValue string Required

      The unique code which will be used for outbound communication within table status mapping.

    • sequence integer(int32) Required

      This number is used to resolve collisions between statuses in order of highest priority.


  • Accepted

  • Non relevant request

  • Scope 'reservation-{platform-code}' not found in the token

PATCH /reservation/api/1/platform/{platform-code}/course-settings
curl \
 --request PATCH \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"allowCourseNumberUpdates":true,"inServiceTableStatuses":[{"statusLabel":"Appetizer","statusValue":"appetizer","sequence":1}]}'
Request examples
  "allowCourseNumberUpdates": true,
  "inServiceTableStatuses": [
      "statusLabel": "Appetizer",
      "statusValue": "appetizer",
      "sequence": 1