Lightspeed Restaurant K Series API

Lightspeed Restaurant offers a REST API in order to communicate with the data in the system. These APIs are built using the RESTful standards and adhere to the basic verb interactions as defined by the REST standard.

These services are in continuous development and subject to change. Find our versioning policy here.

This is the documentation for version 1.0.0 of the API. Last update on May 1, 2024.

Base URL

Seating of a reservation Deprecated

POST /r/reservation/1/checkin

Assign a reservation to a table


Body Required


POST /r/reservation/1/checkin
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"businessLocationId":42,"customerCount":42,"customerInfo":{"contactNumberAsE164":"string","email":"string","firstName":"string","lastName":"string","notes":"string","rating":42.0,"thirdPartyReference":"string","vip":true},"endPointId":"string","notes":[{"note":"string"}],"reservationReference":"string","specialOffer":"string","table":"string"}'
Request example
  "businessLocationId": 42,
  "customerCount": 42,
  "customerInfo": {
    "contactNumberAsE164": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "notes": "string",
    "rating": 42.0,
    "thirdPartyReference": "string",
    "vip": true
  "endPointId": "string",
  "notes": [
      "note": "string"
  "reservationReference": "string",
  "specialOffer": "string",
  "table": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "error": true,
  "errorMessage": "string",
  "responseEntity": {}