Transaction Details


What subscriber endpoint implementation will receive when a transaction is made. Subscriber implementation should follow the payload backward compatibility rules below:

  • What considered as backward compatible:
    • Addition of new fields, enums, headers, or parameters.
    • Transition from optional to required fields. Which means Lightspeed will consistently send the parameter/field from now on.
  • What considered as backward incompatible:
    • Alteration of schema structure, such as switching from a map to an array.
    • Removal of field/enum/header
    • Changes in data types, such as converting from string to integer.
    • Changes of property name


  • Accept string Required

    The expected response content type from subscriber. Only application/json is supported.

  • Subscribers should utilize the Idempotency Key to ensure duplicates are handled appropriately on their end.


Body Required

  • name string

    Name of the transaction

  • openDate string(date-time)

    The date and time when the transaction was opened in UTC

  • closeDate string(date-time)

    The date and time when the transaction was closed in UTC

  • covers integer

    The number of covers (guests) in this transaction.

  • ownerId string

    The ID of the POS user (staff) who owns this transaction

  • The name of the POS user (staff) who owns this transaction

  • deviceId number(int64)

    The ID of the device on which the transaction was started

  • Client name

  • apiKey string

    API Key.

  • Receipt ID

  • fiscId string

    Unique identifier for the transaction, can be used this for any identification purposes.

  • uuid string

    A b64 encoded uuid which also act as unique identifier for the transaction, also can be used for any identification purposes.

  • Initial Account ID, if any. This is used to correlate the transaction with the initial account, such on REFUND or VOID.

  • identifier string Deprecated

    Refer to the non null value of either the fiscId or uuid as fallback.

  • revenueCenterId number(int64)

    Revenue Center (POS Configuration) ID

  • Revenue Center (POS Configuration) Name

  • transactions array[object]
    Hide transactions attributes Show transactions attributes object
    • The price of single item.

    • quantity number Deprecated

      The quantity of the items. Negative quantity indicates a refund/cancellation/void.

    • amount number

      The total pre-tax amount of this transaction sale line.

    • The item name

    • staffId number(int64)

      The ID of the POS user (staff) who processed this transaction line

    • The name of the POS user (staff) who processed this transaction line

    • groupId number(int64)

      Lightspeed accounting group id which the item belongs to.

    • Lightspeed accounting group name which the item belongs to.

    • taxId number(int64) Deprecated

      Deprecated, refer to taxLines.

    • taxName string Deprecated

      Deprecated, refer to taxLines.

    • taxRate number Deprecated

      The tax rate of the items.

    • taxIncluded boolean Deprecated

      Deprecated, refer to taxLines.

    • sku string

      The SKU of the items.

    • type string

      The type of the transaction line.

      Values are Sale, LineDiscount, AccountDiscount, or PercentItem.

    • The amount of the service charge contribution.

    • taxLines object
      Hide taxLines attributes Show taxLines attributes object
  • payments array[object]
    Hide payments attributes Show payments attributes object
    • paymentDate string(date-time)

      The date and time when the payment was made in UTC

    • staffId number(int64)

      The ID of the POS user (staff) who processed this payment

    • The name of the POS user (staff) who processed this payment

    • gratuity number

      The amount of the gratuity (tips).

    • amount number

      The total amount of the received payment.

    • The name of the payment method.

    • The code of the payment method.

    • reservationId string Deprecated

      The reservation ID of the payment. At block this is the authCode.

  • Hide serviceCharge attributes Show serviceCharge attributes object
    • amount number

      The amount of the service charge.

    • type string

      The type of the service charge.

      Values are UNTAXED or APPORTIONED.


  • Subscriber should return this code if it successfully processed the charge request at PMS. Following that, Lightspeed will mark the PMS charge transaction as SUCCESS as well.

  • 500 application/json

    If an Internal Server Error occurs subscriber can pass their own custom message to the POS. The response body content need to follow the schema, else only 500 Internal Server Error will be sent.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object

    The error response body content should follow this schema. If the response body content does not follow this schema, only the status code will be sent. All other property beside customerErrorMessage will be ignored.

    • The error message that will be sent and printed at the POS. Length should not exceed 50 characters to avoid truncation.

      Maximum length is 50.

  • 4XX application/json

    If any client error occurs subscriber can pass their own custom message to the POS. The response body content need to follow the schema, else only 4XX {Error Type} will be sent.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object

    The error response body content should follow this schema. If the response body content does not follow this schema, only the status code will be sent. All other property beside customerErrorMessage will be ignored.

    • The error message that will be sent and printed at the POS. Length should not exceed 50 characters to avoid truncation.

      Maximum length is 50.

POST Charge Transaction
Request examples
# Headers
Accept: application/json
X-Lightspeed-Idempotency-Key: LS1_123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000

# Payload
  "name": "string",
  "openDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "closeDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "covers": 2,
  "ownerId": "12345",
  "ownerName": "John Doe",
  "deviceId": 12345,
  "businessExternalReference": "quickbooks-123",
  "apiKey": "quickbooks-key-345",
  "receiptId": "R51.3",
  "fiscId": "A1234.5",
  "uuid": "xfe9ldKWSfW8VrAYUcnvGA==",
  "initialAccountId": "A1234.1",
  "identifier": "A1234.5",
  "revenueCenterId": 94489280528,
  "revenueCenterName": "Fixed POS",
  "transactions": [
      "unitAmount": 10.0,
      "quantity": 2.0,
      "amount": 20.0,
      "description": "French Fries",
      "staffId": 6,
      "staffName": "John Doe",
      "groupId": 25769803810,
      "groupName": "Food",
      "taxId": 12345,
      "taxName": "VAT 10%",
      "taxRate": 1.1,
      "taxIncluded": true,
      "sku": "F07",
      "type": "Sale",
      "serviceChargeContribution": 4.5,
      "taxLines": {
        "taxId": "12345",
        "taxName": "VAT 10%",
        "taxAmount": 1.0,
        "taxRate": 1.1,
        "taxIncluded": true
  "payments": [
      "paymentDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "staffId": 6,
      "staffName": "John Doe",
      "gratuity": 1.0,
      "amount": 66.0,
      "methodName": "MEWS",
      "methodCode": "IKPMS",
      "reservationId": "001"
  "serviceCharge": {
    "amount": 1.0,
    "type": "UNTAXED"
Response examples (500)
  "customerErrorMessage": "Network failure"
Response examples (4XX)
  "customerErrorMessage": "Network failure"