Update POS User

PUT /staff/v1/businessLocations/{businessLocationId}/userTypes/POS/{staffId}

Path parameters

  • businessLocationId integer(int64) Required

    The unique identifier for the business location.

  • staffId integer(int64) Required

    The unique identifier for the user.


Body Required

  • username string Required

    The staff username. Only used for POS staff.

    Maximum length is 128.

  • pinCode string Required

    The 4-digit pin code for the user.

    Maximum length is 4.

  • firstName string Required

    The first name of the user.

    Maximum length is 128.

  • lastName string Required

    The last name of the user.

    Maximum length is 128.

  • active boolean Required

    Indicates if the user is active.

  • visible boolean Required

    Indicates if the user is visible.

  • group integer(int64)

    The unique identifier for the user group.

    Default value is -1.

  • reportAccess string Required

    User report permissions.

  • roles array[string] Required

    List of roles assigned to the user. Normally, these are the default POS user roles. See Get All POS User Permissions for a list of roles.


  • 201 application/json

    User updated successfully

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • staffId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the user.

    • username string

      The staff username. Only used for POS staff.

      Maximum length is 128.

    • userTypes array[string]

      The user type.

      Values are POS, BACK_OFFICE, or API.

    • The first name of the user.

      Maximum length is 128. Default value is empty.

    • lastName string

      The last name of the user.

      Maximum length is 128. Default value is empty.

    • email string(email)

      The email associated with the user. Only used for Back Office staff.

      Maximum length is 128.

    • active boolean

      Indicates if the user is active.

      Default value is true.

    • createdOn string(date-time)

      The timestamp of the creation of the user.

    • modifiedOn string(date-time)

      The timestamp of the last update to the user.

    • businessId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the business.

    • businessLocationId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the business location.

    • groups array[object]
      Hide groups attributes Show groups attributes object
      • id integer(int64)

        The unique identifier for the user group.

      • name string

        The name of the user group.

    • reportAccess array[string]

      User report permissions.

      Default value is STAFF_REPORT_OWN_ACCESS.

    • roles array[object]

      The roles assigned to the user.

      Hide roles attributes Show roles attributes object
      • id integer(int64)

        The unique identifier for the role.

      • name string

        The name of the role.

  • Bad request. Invalid input parameters.

  • Authentication failed.

  • Access Denied.

  • Internal Server Error.

PUT /staff/v1/businessLocations/{businessLocationId}/userTypes/POS/{staffId}
curl \
 --request PUT https://api.trial.lsk.lightspeed.app/staff/v1/businessLocations/{businessLocationId}/userTypes/POS/{staffId} \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"username":"John Doe","pinCode":"1234","firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","active":true,"visible":true,"group":-1,"reportAccess":"string","roles":["string"]}'
Request examples
  "username": "John Doe",
  "pinCode": "1234",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "active": true,
  "visible": true,
  "group": -1,
  "reportAccess": "string",
  "roles": [
Response examples (201)
  "staffId": 1234,
  "username": "John Doe",
  "userTypes": [
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "hello@example.com",
  "active": true,
  "createdOn": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "modifiedOn": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "businessId": 12345,
  "businessLocationId": 1234567890,
  "groups": [
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "Bar Staff"
  "reportAccess": [
  "roles": [
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "ROLE_CAN_LOGIN"