Notifications payment


What your webhook implementation will receive when placing a payment


Body Required

  • reason string

    Reason for failure if there is one

  • Third-party reference you provided when the order or payment was placed.

  • businessLocationId integer(int64)

    The unique identifier of the business location.

  • The K-series account identifier for a SUCCESS event (V3 format)

  • iKentooAccountId integer(int64) Deprecated

    The K-series account identifier for a SUCCESS event (V2 format)

  • status string

    Status of the order or payment operation.

    Values are SUCCESS or FAILURE.

  • type string

    Notification type

    Default value is PAYMENT.


  • Your server returns this code if it accepts the callback

POST Payment notification
Request examples
  "type": "PAYMENT",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "ikentooAccountId": "2114502594134196",
  "businessLocationId": 247158188015618,
  "thirdPartyReference": "REF11",
  "ikentooAccountIdentifier": "A123080.14"
  "type": "PAYMENT",
  "reason": "the payment amount is greater than the amount due",
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "businessLocationId": 141948669832802,
  "thirdPartyReference": "REF12212",
  "ikentooAccountIdentifier": "A78094.73"