Shift notification


Notify about a shift event.


Body Required

  • The type of webhook notification.

    Values are shift.created, shift.updated, or shift.deleted.

  • data object

    List of shifts.

    Hide data attributes Show data attributes object
    • uuid string

      The unique identifier for the shift.

    • businessId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the business.

    • businessLocationId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the business location.

    • deviceId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the device.

    • staffId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the employee.

    • dateInUTC string(date-time)

      The timestamp of the last update to the shift.

    • events array[object]

      List of events during the shift.

      Hide events attributes Show events attributes object

      Shift event such as clock in/out.

      • uuid string

        The unique identifier for the event.

      • timestamp string(date-time)

        The time of the event.

      • The type of event.

        Values are CLOCK_IN or CLOCK_OUT.


  • Your server returns this code if it accepts the callback.

POST Shift notification
Request examples
  "notificationType": "shift.created",
  "data": {
    "uuid": "REcdfpCwQJKUR53gdzIk5Q==",
    "businessId": 12345,
    "businessLocationId": 1234567890,
    "deviceId": 54321,
    "staffId": 1234,
    "dateInUTC": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "events": [
        "uuid": "REcdfpCwQJKUR53gdzIk5Q==",
        "timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "eventType": "CLOCK_IN"