Get business day sales

GET /f/v2/business-location/{businessLocationId}/sales-daily

Returns financial data for a business location for a specified business day.

Path parameters

Query parameters

  • date string(date) Required

    The date of the business day to get sales for.

    Example:2022-09-21 or 2022-12-01

  • include string

    Objects to be included in the response.

    The allowed values are: staff, table, consumer, payments, revenue_center, account_profile, payment_authorization.

    Default value is empty.


  • 200 application/json

    Financial data returned successfully.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • sales array[object]

      Array of sale objects.

      Hide sales attributes Show sales attributes object
      • Unique reference id of the account.

      • The account identifier.

      • The unique identifier for the receipt associated with this account.

      • source object
        Hide source attributes Show source attributes object
        • The accountFiscId of the initial transaction associated with the current account, if applicable. For example, in the case of a refund.

          This will match the accountFiscId of the sale if there is no associated account.

        • The accountFiscId of the previous transaction associated with the current account, if applicable. For example, in the case of a refund.

          This may be different from initialAccountId if there is more than one associated account.

          It will not be displayed if there is no associated account.

      • salesLines array[object]
        Hide salesLines attributes Show salesLines attributes object
        • id string

          The sale line identifier.

        • The sale line this item is associated with, if applicable.

        • Total amount of sale line, including tax. Important Note: This field is for use with tax inclusive businesses. For tax exclusive businesses, see taxAmount and taxLines for tax calculations. The value is precise up to six decimal places.

        • The total amount of the sale line, before tax. The value is precise up to six decimal places.

        • The price listed on the menu.

        • The unit cost price.

        • The service charge.

        • The service charge rate, as a percentage. The value is precise up to two decimal places.

        • The discount amount. The value is precise up to six decimal places.

        • taxCode string

          The system code for the tax rate.

        • The tax total.

        • The tax rate, as a percentage. The value is precise up to two decimal places.

        • taxLines array[object]
          Hide taxLines attributes Show taxLines attributes object
          • taxId string

            The unique identifier for the tax rate.

          • taxCode string

            The system code for the tax rate.

          • taxRate string

            The tax rate, as a multiplier.

          • The tax total.

          • Whether or not the business is tax inclusive.

        • The type of discount.

        • The discount code.

        • The name of the discount.

        • The account discount amount. The value is precise up to two decimal places.

        • The total discount amount. The value is precise up to two decimal places.

        • sku string

          The item SKU.

        • name string

          The item name.

        • The item's statistic group.

        • quantity string

          The quantity of the item sold, which can potentially be a fractional value, especially in cases where the item is sold by weight. The value is precise up to three decimal places.

        • Hide accountingGroup attributes Show accountingGroup attributes object
          • accountingGroupId integer(int64)

            The unique identifier for the item's accounting group.

          • name string

            The name of the accounting group.

          • The accounting group's statistic group.

          • code string

            The code assigned to the accounting group.

        • currency string

          The currency for the sale line.

        • tags array[string]

          The tags attached to the line item.

        • The name of the revenue center where the sale line was created.

        • revenueCenterId integer(int64)

          The unique identifier for the revenue center where the sale line was created.

        • categories array[object]
          Hide categories attributes Show categories attributes object
        • timeOfSale string(date-time)

          The timestamp of when the line item was created.

        • staffId integer(int64)

          The unique identifier for the user who created the line item.

        • The name of the user who created the line item.

        • deviceId integer(int64)

          The unique identifier for the device where the sale line was created.

        • The name of the device where the sale line was created.

        • The void reason, if applicable.

        • The code of the account profile used.

      • payments array[object]
        Hide payments attributes Show payments attributes object
        • code string

          The code of the payment method.

        • The name of the payment method.

        • paymentMethodId integer(int64)

          The unique identifier for the payment method.

        • The net payment amount, including tax. The value is precise up to two decimal places, and if necessary, it is rounded using the "half-even" rounding mode.

        • currency string

          The payment currency.

        • tip string

          The tip amount. The value is precise up to two decimal places, and if necessary, it is rounded using the "half-even" rounding mode.

        • consumer object
          Hide consumer attributes Show consumer attributes object
          • id string

            The UUID of the customer associated with the payment, if applicable.

          • customerId integer(int64)

            The unique identifier for the customer.

          • title string

            The title or honorific of the customer.

          • The first name of the customer.

          • lastName string

            The last name of the customer.

          • The primary phone number of the customer.

          • An alternative phone number for the customer.

          • The name of the company associated with the customer, if applicable.

          • The primary address line for the customer's address.

          • The secondary address line for the customer's address, such as apartment or suite number.

          • zipCode string

            The postal code for the customer's address.

          • city string

            The city of the customer's address.

          • state string

            The state or region of the customer's address.

          • email string

            The email address of the customer.

        • type string

          The type of payment

          Values are NORMAL or ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.

        • deviceId string

          The unique identifier for the device where the payment was processed.

        • The name of the device where the payment was processed.

        • staffId number

          The unique identifier for the user who processed the payment.

        • The name of the user who processed the payment.

        • The authorization code for the payment.

        • The external reference code for the payment.

        • The name of the revenue center where the payment was processed.

        • The unique identifier for the revenue center where the payment was processed.

        • fiscId string

          The unique identifier for the payment.

        • uuid string

          The base64url encoded UUID of the payment.

        • fiscDate string(date-time)

          The time stamp of the payment.

        • The surcharge amount. The value is precise up to two decimal places, and if necessary, it is rounded using the "half-even" rounding mode.

      • timeOfOpening string(date-time)

        The account creation timestamp.

      • timeClosed string(date-time)

        The account close timestamp.

      • cancelled boolean

        Whether the account was cancelled.

      • The external reference id of the account.

      • The table number.

      • The name of the table.

      • The account profile associated with the account.

      • The name of the user associated with the account.

      • ownerId integer(int64)

        The unique identifier for the user associated with the account.

      • type string

        The type of sale.


      • externalReferences array[string]

        List of external references for online orders. Includes the TASK prefix, businessLocationId, and the unique reference code provided in the thirdPartyReference field of an online order.

      • nbCovers number(double)

        The number of covers.

      • dineIn boolean

        Whether the order is dine-in.

      • deviceId integer(int64)

        The unique identifier for the device where the account was created.

      • The name of the device where the account was created.

      • The void reason, if applicable.

    • nextStartOfDayAsIso8601 string(date-time)

      Start of next business day, in the merchant's local time.

    • Whether or not the data is complete for the requested day.

  • 400 application/json

    Bad Request - Invalid request parameters or format.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
  • 500 application/json

    Internal Server Error - An error occurred on the server.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /f/v2/business-location/{businessLocationId}/sales-daily
curl \
 -X GET{businessLocationId}/sales-daily?date=2021-09-21 \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "sales": [
      "accountReference": "57X0j3hzTZ2oo9sdVWiUog==",
      "accountFiscId": "A65315.17",
      "receiptId": "R65315.13",
      "source": {
        "initialAccountId": "A65315.13",
        "previousAccountId": "A65315.15"
      "salesLines": [
          "id": "S65315.33",
          "parentLineId": "S65315.32",
          "totalNetAmountWithTax": "11.00",
          "totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "8.33",
          "menuListPrice": "10.00",
          "unitCostPrice": "5.00",
          "serviceCharge": "1.00",
          "serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
          "discountAmount": "0.00",
          "taxCode": "VAT20",
          "taxAmount": "1.6667",
          "taxRatePercentage": "20.00",
          "taxLines": [
              "taxId": "41910290874374",
              "taxCode": "VAT20",
              "taxRate": "1.2",
              "taxAmount": "1.666667",
              "taxIncluded": true
          "discountType": "DISCOUNT",
          "discountCode": "10PCT",
          "discountName": "10% Discount",
          "accountDiscountAmount": "1.00",
          "totalDiscountAmount": "1.00",
          "sku": "52",
          "name": "Burger",
          "statisticGroup": "Food",
          "quantity": "1.000",
          "accountingGroup": {
            "accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
            "name": "Food",
            "statisticGroup": "Food",
            "code": "123"
          "currency": "GBP",
          "tags": [
          "revenueCenter": "Fixed POS",
          "revenueCenterId": 141948669132822,
          "categories": [
              "category": "default",
              "value": "Food"
          "timeOfSale": "2023-07-27T19:58:22.474Z",
          "staffId": 14670,
          "staffName": "Manager",
          "deviceId": 75125,
          "deviceName": "iPad9",
          "voidReason": "Unhappy Client",
          "accountProfileCode": "AAP"
      "payments": [
          "code": "CASH",
          "description": "Cash",
          "paymentMethodId": 141948669132824,
          "netAmountWithTax": "11.00",
          "currency": "GBP",
          "tip": "0.00",
          "consumer": {
            "id": "ec021fb0-4c12-425e-b30f-320ab720448b",
            "customerId": 120913,
            "title": "Mr",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "phoneNumber1": "555-555-5555",
            "phoneNumber2": "555-555-5556",
            "companyName": "Company Name",
            "addressLine1": "123 Street st.",
            "addressLine2": "Unit 123",
            "zipCode": "12345",
            "city": "Some City",
            "state": "Some State",
            "email": ""
          "type": "NORMAL",
          "deviceId": "72676",
          "deviceName": "ipad9",
          "staffId": 180480,
          "staffName": "Manager",
          "authorization": "001",
          "externalReference": "1000",
          "revenueCenter": "Fixed POS",
          "revenueCenterId": 141948669132822,
          "fiscId": "T72691.8",
          "uuid": "bc7i2X_CTkeg8qlec66wmg==",
          "fiscDate": "2023-02-14T20:04:08.665Z",
          "surcharge": "0.00"
      "timeOfOpening": "2023-02-14T19:58:48.224Z",
      "timeClosed": "2023-02-14T20:04:08.734Z",
      "cancelled": false,
      "externalFiscalNumber": "IntegratorReferenceId",
      "tableNumber": "1",
      "tableName": "Dining Room, Table 1",
      "accountProfileCode": "AAP",
      "ownerName": "Manager",
      "ownerId": 14670,
      "type": "SALE",
      "externalReferences": [
        "\"TASK:OO-{businessLocationId}-{unique-reference-code}\", \"TASK:OO-{businessLocationId}-(another-unique-reference-code)\""
      "nbCovers": 2.0,
      "dineIn": true,
      "deviceId": 75125,
      "deviceName": "ipad9",
      "voidReason": "Unhappy Client"
  "nextStartOfDayAsIso8601": "2023-07-28T05:30:00-05:00",
  "dataComplete": false
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string"
Response examples (500)
  "timestamp": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "path": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "error": "string",
  "requestId": "string"