Get Daily Financials
Returns the financial data for the current business day or for the specified date.
Path parameters
The unique identifier for the business location.
Minimum value is
Query parameters
include string
Objects to be included in the response.
The allowed values are:
.Default value is empty.
date string(date)
The date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
includeConsumers boolean
Default value is
curl \
--request GET \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"businessName": "My Business",
"nextStartOfDayAsIso8601": "2023-07-28T05:30:00-05:00",
"businessLocationId": 123456789,
"sales": [
"accountReference": "57X0j3hzTZ2oo9sdVWiUog==",
"accountFiscId": "A65315.17",
"receiptId": "R65315.13",
"source": {
"initialAccountId": "A65315.13",
"previousAccountId": "A65315.15"
"salesLines": [
"id": "S65315.33",
"parentLineId": "S65315.32",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "11.00",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "8.33",
"menuListPrice": "10.00",
"unitCostPrice": "5.00",
"serviceCharge": "1.00",
"serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxAmount": "1.6667",
"taxRatePercentage": "20.00",
"taxLines": [
"taxId": "41910290874374",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxRate": "1.2",
"taxAmount": "1.666667",
"taxIncluded": true
"discountType": "DISCOUNT",
"discountCode": "10PCT",
"discountName": "10% Discount",
"accountDiscountAmount": "1.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "1.00",
"sku": "52",
"name": "Burger",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
"name": "Food",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"code": "123"
"currency": "GBP",
"tags": [
"revenueCenter": "Fixed POS",
"revenueCenterId": 141948669132822,
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeofSale": "2023-07-27T19:58:22.474Z",
"staffId": 14670,
"staffName": "Manager",
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "iPad9",
"voidReason": "Unhappy Client",
"accountProfileCode": "AAP"
"payments": [
"code": "CASH",
"description": "Cash",
"paymentMethodId": 141948669132824,
"netAmountWithTax": "11.00",
"currency": "GBP",
"tip": "0.00",
"consumer": {
"id": "ec021fb0-4c12-425e-b30f-320ab720448b",
"customerId": 120913,
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phoneNumber1": "555-555-5555",
"phoneNumber2": "555-555-5556",
"companyName": "Company Name",
"addressLine1": "123 Street st.",
"addressLine2": "Unit 123",
"zipCode": "12345",
"city": "Some City",
"state": "Some State",
"email": "",
"taxIdentifier": "123456789",
"fiscalCode": "123456789",
"destinationCode": "123456789"
"type": "NORMAL",
"deviceId": "72676",
"deviceName": "ipad9",
"staffId": 180480,
"staffName": "Manager",
"authorization": "001",
"externalReference": "1000",
"revenueCenter": "Fixed POS",
"revenueCenterId": 141948669132822,
"fiscId": "T72691.8",
"uuid": "bc7i2X_CTkeg8qlec66wmg==",
"fiscDate": "2023-02-14T20:04:08.665Z",
"surcharge": "0.00"
"timeofOpening": "2023-02-14T19:58:48.224Z",
"timeofCloseAndPaid": "2023-02-14T20:04:08.734Z",
"cancelled": true,
"externalFiscalNumber": "string",
"tableNumber": "1",
"tableName": "Dining Room, Table 1",
"accountProfileCode": "AAP",
"ownerName": "Manager",
"ownerId": 14670,
"type": "SALE",
"externalReferences": [
"\"TASK:OO-{businessLocationId}-{unique-reference-code}\", \"TASK:OO-{businessLocationId}-(another-unique-reference-code)\""
"nbCovers": 2.0,
"dineIn": true,
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "ipad9",
"voidReason": "Unhappy Client"
"dataComplete": false,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "",
"templated": true
"nextPage": {
"href": "",
"templated": true