Get Sample Order Notification

GET /reservation/api/1/platform/{platform-code}/order-webhook-sample

Returns an example of an order update notification. These notifications are sent to the URL provided in the orderWebhookUrl field.

Path parameters

  • platform-code string Required

    The unique code assigned to the reservation platform.

    Maximum length is 11. Format should match the following pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • Values are OPEN, UPDATE, CLOSE, or CANCEL.

    • account object
      Hide account attributes Show account attributes
      • id string

        Legacy account identifier created by the POS (for backwards compatibility).

      • The unique identifier of the business location.

      • name string

        The name of the transaction or tab.

      • The unique identifier of the account.

      • The ISO-4217 3 letter currency code.

      • staffId string

        The unique identifier of staff member who created/started and owns the transaction.

      • The name of staff member who created/started and owns the transaction.

      • openDate integer(int64)

        The timestamp of when transaction was started, in milliseconds.

      • closeDate integer(int64) | null

        The timestamp of when transaction was completed, in milliseconds.

      • The amount paid.

      • The total amount of the receipt.

      • coverCount integer(int64)

        The number of covers associated with the transaction.

      • The tip amount.

      • The receipt id of the final transaction.

      • The internal identifier of the table.

      • The unique identifier of this transaction provided by 3rd parties or the K-Series backend.

        Hide latestExternalReferences attributes Show latestExternalReferences attributes object

        The unique identifier of this transaction provided by 3rd parties or the K-Series backend.

      • The total amount of tax.

      • The amount before tax.

      • The sum of all surcharges applied to the transaction.

      • The name of the table.

      • Integer number of the table

      • The code of the account profile associated with this order.
        See the account profiles definition for more details.

      • The name of the account profile associated with this order.

      • The id of the account profile associated with this order.

      • originAccountId integer(int64) | null

        Legacy reference id of origin account created by the POS (for backwards compatibility).

      • originAccountNumber string | null

        A unique identifier of an account, used as an id for sales transactions.

      • type string

        The sale line type.

      • updateDate integer(int64)

        The timestamp of when the complete update was finalized at the POS, in milliseconds.

      • offset integer(int32)

        The UTC Offset of the location, in minutes.

      • The applied discount rate, as a percentage.

      • transactionLines array[object]
        Hide transactionLines attributes Show transactionLines attributes object
        • id string

          Legacy line id created by the POS (supplied because older API provides it to 3rd parties)

        • Legacy account id created by the POS (supplied because older API provides it to 3rd parties)

        • amount number

          The actual (final) amount the customer will be charged, so regularAmount with modifiers applied

        • Actual amount for one unit of the line item including all markup, markdowns & surcharges

        • quantity number


        • Manually entered item name

        • Name of the item sold

        • Id of the product group that's assigned to the item

        • Name of the product group that's assigned to the item

        • itemId string

          ID of the item at the business location

        • itemSku string

          SKU (stock keeping unit) of the item

        • date integer(int64)

          Timestamp in ms of the moment when the line was registered by the user

        • tags string

          Array of tags associated with the sales line

        • phase integer(int32)

          Course number assigned to the line

        • categories array[object]

          A list of the reporting categories in which the sale is to be aggregated.

          Hide categories attributes Show categories attributes object

          A list of the reporting categories in which the sale is to be aggregated.

          • category string

            The reporting category name.

          • value string

            The reporting category value.

        • Final amount including taxes

        • Taxable amount not including any taxes

        • The line discount amount applied to the line

        • Regular price for one unit of the line item

        • Hide activeTax attributes Show activeTax attributes
          • code string

            Code of the tax as defined in the configuration context

          • Name of the tax as defined in the configuration context

          • rate number(double)

            Tax percentage (e.g. 19% => '1.19')

          • Indicates whether the tax is VAT or Sales Tax

        • modifiers array[object]

          A production instruction entered for a line

          Hide modifiers attributes Show modifiers attributes object

          A production instruction entered for a line

      • paymentLines array[object]
        Hide paymentLines attributes Show paymentLines attributes object
        • id integer(int64)

          Legacy line id created by the POS (supplied because older API provides it to 3rd parties)

        • Legacy account id created by the POS (supplied because older API provides it to 3rd parties)

        • An ISO-4217 3 letter currency code

        • Amount of tip given by the customer using the payment method

        • amount number

          Amount given by the customer to settle the transaction

        • date integer(int64)

          Timestamp in ms of the moment when the line was registered by the user

        • Short code of the payment method the customer used to settle the transaction

        • Name of the payment method used

      • discounts array[object]
        Hide discounts attributes Show discounts attributes object
        • id string

          The unique identifier of the discount.

        • code string

          The discount code.

        • The name of the discount.

        • rate number

          The discount rate.

        • taxFree boolean

          Indicates if the discount is considered tax free.

      • externalReferences array[object]

        The unique identifier of this transaction provided by 3rd parties or the K-Series backend.

        Hide externalReferences attributes Show externalReferences attributes object

        The unique identifier of this transaction provided by 3rd parties or the K-Series backend.

      • consumerRecord object | null
        Hide consumerRecord attributes Show consumerRecord attributes
      • The active course. Starts with 0.

    • businessLocationId integer(int64)

      The K-Series business location ID.

    • The external platform ID for the restaurant.

      Format should match the following pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.

GET /reservation/api/1/platform/{platform-code}/order-webhook-sample
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "account": {
    "id": "612329192423425",
    "name": "Bar, Table 1",
    "type": "SALE",
    "offset": 240,
    "staffId": "2823",
    "openDate": 1711550514875,
    "closeDate": 1711550589647,
    "discounts": [],
    "staffName": "John.Cena",
    "tableName": "Table 1",
    "taxAmount": 0.6,
    "coverCount": 1,
    "paidAmount": 9.1,
    "updateDate": 1711550514914,
    "tableNumber": 1,
    "totalAmount": 9.1,
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "paymentLines": [
        "id": 612329192423431,
        "date": 1711550589607,
        "amount": 9.1,
        "accountId": "612329192423425",
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "paymentMethod": "CASH",
        "gratuityAmount": 0,
        "paymentMethodDescription": "Cash"
    "preTaxAmount": 8.5,
    "accountNumber": "A35642.1",
    "receiptNumber": "R35642.1",
    "serviceCharge": 0,
    "totalDiscount": 0,
    "consumerRecord": {
      "id": "44136",
      "consumer": null,
      "consumerRecordUUID": "8210bb3b-0916-4cd4-8fb5-859fdb5f863b",
      "contactInformation": {
        "city": "",
        "fullName": "Evgeny Onegin",
        "lastName": "Onegin",
        "firstName": "Evgeny",
        "companyName": "",
        "emailReceipts": false,
        "taxIdentifier": ""
      "externalReferences": [
          "key": "test4",
          "reference": "OO.1291.1"
    "gratuityAmount": 0,
    "accountObjectId": "22187801053871",
    "originAccountId": null,
    "accountProfileId": "22187801053876",
    "transactionLines": [
        "id": "612329192423428",
        "date": 1711550534347,
        "tags": "",
        "phase": 0,
        "amount": 4,
        "itemId": "22187801052783",
        "itemSku": "69",
        "quantity": 1,
        "subLines": [],
        "accountId": "612329192423425",
        "activeTax": {
          "code": "STAX",
          "rate": 1.07,
          "description": "7% State Tax",
          "taxIncluded": false
        "modifiers": [],
        "categories": [
            "value": "Food",
            "category": "default"
        "unitAmount": 4,
        "nameOverride": "",
        "amountLessTax": 4,
        "amountWithTax": 4.28,
        "grossUnitAmount": 4,
        "itemDescription": "French Fries",
        "discountedAmount": 0,
        "accountingGroupId": "22187801051201",
        "accountingGroupName": "Food"
        "id": "612329192423429",
        "date": 1711550553193,
        "tags": "",
        "phase": 0,
        "amount": 4.5,
        "itemId": "22187801053839",
        "itemSku": "676",
        "quantity": 1,
        "subLines": [],
        "accountId": "612329192423425",
        "activeTax": {
          "code": "STAX",
          "rate": 1.07,
          "description": "7% State Tax",
          "taxIncluded": false
        "modifiers": [],
        "categories": [
            "value": "Alcoholic beverages",
            "category": "something else"
        "unitAmount": 4.5,
        "nameOverride": "",
        "amountLessTax": 4.5,
        "amountWithTax": 4.82,
        "grossUnitAmount": 4.5,
        "itemDescription": "Heinenken",
        "discountedAmount": 0,
        "accountingGroupId": "22187801051191",
        "accountingGroupName": "Alcoholic beverages"
    "accountProfileCode": "Reservation",
    "accountProfileName": "Reservation",
    "businessLocationId": "22187801052649",
    "externalReferences": [
        "prefix": "TASK",
        "reference": "RN-22187801052649-test4#2ed4c054-53cf-4b03-90f8-58be424ee31"
    "originAccountNumber": null,
    "currentProductionPhase": 0
  "sequenceId": "B35642.15",
  "notificationType": "CLOSE",
  "businessLocationId": 22187801052649,
  "platformRestaurantId": "123451234",
  "platformReservationId": "2ed4c054-53cf-4b03-90f8-58be424ee31"