Get All Order Profiles

GET /o/op/data/account-profiles

Returns a list of active order profiles for a specific business location.

The order profile code can be used to retrieve a specific price list when loading a menu.

Note: Order Profiles were previously called Account Profiles, and may still be referred to in this way in the API, in some cases.

Query parameters


  • 200 application/json

    Order profiles

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • businessLocationId integer(int64)

      The unique identifier for the business location.

    • accountProfileList array[object]
      Hide accountProfileList attributes Show accountProfileList attributes object
      • id integer(int64)

        The unique identifier for the order profile.

      • code string

        A short code representing the order profile.

      • name string

        The system display name for the order profile.

      • Specifies the delivery mode for the order profile.

        Values are NONE, TAKE_AWAY, or DELIVERY.

GET /o/op/data/account-profiles
curl \
 --request GET \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "businessLocationId": 45454565682155,
  "accountProfileList": [
      "id": 12454575601144,
      "code": "takeaway",
      "name": "Takeaway",
      "deliveryMode": "TAKE_AWAY"